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Engagement (साखरपुडा)



Engagement is the beginning of a new phase in the life of a couple. In India, the Engagement Ceremony is a pre-wedding ceremony performed with much grandeur.  This ceremony has different names across the country and so also the rituals are different. But the purpose is the same, that of confirming the marriage between the boy  and the girl in the presence of relatives and near friends. The groom’s family promises  the bride’s family that they will accept their daughter and will be responsible for her  future wellbeing.  

This acceptance of Engagement is called Mangani or Sagai in North India, Nishchayam  or Nishchitartham in South India, Ashirbbad in Bengal, Sakharpuda in Maharashtra, Gol  Dhana in Gujarat, Kurmai or Shagan in Punjabis, and Mudha Tika in Marwaris. 

After the confirmation of acceptance, a promise for marriage is made called Wagdaan.  This is an age-old tradition from Vedic times. The Ganesh Pooja is performed.This is  followed by the ceremony in which the groom’s father and the bride’s father exchange  traditional gifts, sweets, fruits, dry fruits and clothes. The bride and the groom then  exchange rings to confirm their relation. The formal engagement is announced followed  by blessings of the elders.  

Collection of various accessories required for the engagement rituals can be an uphill  task when one has strong desire to make it a ceremony to remember. But now, you can  make your engagement a great affair by having the right combination of accessories like  ring platters to display the engagement rings, cone shaped boxes for sweets, Aarati  Thali, Decorative Trays and Plates and many more goodies available in one place online from –


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